Where do you get the ideas for your books?
I currently have three series. The first two, Stone Haven and Juarez, comes from an interest I have had since my early years in paranormal and human interaction. The third series, Cedar Falls, is set in southwestern North Carolina. My parents own a cabin in the same area and many of my ideas are from my experiences while visiting them.
When will your next book come out?
Unfortunately, I don't have a set timetable for a book. Sometimes the stories write themselves and i get them done in a couple of weeks. Other times, the characters are stubborn and refusing to talk to me. Those books could take months to write. If you want to know when my next release will be, check the Coming Soon link.
Who are your favorite authors?
Some of my favorite authors are also published by Siren. It is hard to choose favorites but if I had to pick I would say Lynn Hagen, Joyee Flynn and Stormy Glenn are on the top of the list. Outside of Siren, my favorite authors are Charlie Richards and Sean Michaels. Unfortunately, being an author takes up a lot of my time and I don't get to read as much as I would like.
How can I get a list of books you have written?
This webpage has a link to each series along with a link to where you can buy them. You are also more than welcome to email me at sheabalik@yahoo.com.
I have some questions and comments about some of your novels. Do you read and respond to email?
I try to respond to all correspondence personally. I love getting comments, both good and bad, from those who have read my books. But be aware, as hard as I try to respond quickly, sometimes that isn't always possible. I will respond, it just may take a few days.
What do you consider fun other than writing, sex and love?
Now that you've taken the my top three out of the equation, I would have to say traveling. I love to see new places and meet new people. How else would I get the ideas for my books?
Have you ever met a witch, demon, druid or other paranormal being?
Not that I am aware of. That is not to say they do or do not exist. I can say I have seen them in my dreams.
Do you have a favorite saying?
I do, although it is a word, not a saying. The one word that is plastered all over my home is 'Believe.' I use it a lot in my thinking and writing. Some other words I also employ is Inspire and Courage. I am even considering writing a a series around each of these words.
I love your books. They are fast paced from beginning to end. How to come up with the different twists?
Honestly? The characters themselves write the story. Usually I have an idea of where I might want the book to go, but halfway through, one of the characters throws me a curve ball and the story ends up nothing like I imagined.
Your Paranormal War Series has a lot of blood and violence. Is your favorite color Red?
No, nor is it black. I just let my imagination go and with the help of the characters come up with a story. Actually, I believe I have a cheery outlook on life and do feel most days are better than yesterday. If you are asking what my favorite color is, it is Green.
You strike me from your writings that you have always lived in the North. Am I right?
My life has been divided between the North and the South. I was born in Iowa. My father's job required us to move every few years so I've lived in quite a number of states. Growing up, it was mostly in the north. But during high school I received my first taste of the south when we moved to Nashville, TN. But for the last 24 years I have lived in sunny Florida.